
It was great to receive through the post today a complimentary copy of the paperback re-issue of Dianne Kirby’s ground-breaking Religion and the Cold War (Palgrave/MacMillan, first published 2003, paperback edn 2013; read the Reviews in History review here).  I contributed a short article on attitudes to the Cold War amongst English local clergy and church leaders, and their perspectives on the Cold War’s spiritual, social and moral implications.  It’s very pleasing to know that the book is still widely-used to the extent that the publishers were keen to re-issue in paperback.

On a similar note, it was nice to learn recently that my first foray into print – a paper on the social history of the brass band movement in 19th/early 20th century York published in 1995 as part of the University of York’s Borthwick Papers series – is still in print and selling a few copies.  See the Borthwick Papers webpage – it’s not currently listed but will re-appear there shortly, I’m told.